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Monday, September 9, 2013

Beware of Different Kinds of Climate Controlled Storage

Image of: winter and summer logo emphasizing the importance of climate controlled storage.
Climate controlled storage is different for all storage locations. 

All it means, generally speaking, is that the climate within the storage area is controlled.  How much it is controlled and what controls it are specifics that are often left unsaid. That is why you need to ask your storage company these exact questions – how much? and what? – before you invest in climate controlled storage.

The fact is: all mini storage companies in Richmond and the rest of the U.S. don't hold themselves to the same standards as Extra Attic.  For instance, a company can claim they offer climate controlled storage and only control the temperature by a few degrees.   In the winter, maybe they control the temperature in units by keeping indoor temperatures at 33 degrees Fahrenheit – just above freezing.  And maybe in the summer they keep indoor temperatures at 90 degrees.

Surprisingly, this is what the average self-storage company considers climate control storage: keeping temps just above freezing in the winter and just below scorching in the summer. 

To protect your stored belongings, though, you need a self-storage company that stands firmly behind their claim.  As the term "climate controlled storage become" broader and left open to more interpretation of meaning, more storage companies will start abusing the term.

At Extra Attic, we believe that storage companies can only use the term if they provide storage locations with actual temperature control. 

Here are some questions to ask your storage company before picking one over another:

- What are the minimum and maximum temperatures of the units?
- How is air delivered that cools and warms the units?
- Are the minimum and maximum temperatures safe for the objects I'm storing?

These are great questions to ask that offer great insight into what kind of climate control the company has.  If the climate control is illegitimate or unqualified to store our belongings, you'll learn during the questioning process.



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