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Monday, August 12, 2013

3 Common Reasons that People Use Self-Storage

Self storage units are becoming more and more common in this day and age, as we collect things and increasingly have nowhere to put them. Moves, bequeathals, new children, etc. will all add to the amount of important possessions that we have, but leave us no space for them. Since not everyone can look for a new home just to accommodate their belongings, self-storage units allow people to keep everything in security.

Here are three of the most common reasons that people would rent a self-storage unit:

1. Temporary Storage While Moving

Whether people are moving temporarily or permanently, storage units are a great way to handle any excess belongings that they might have. After all, it's not always possible to move everything into a home and set it all up in one day. Having boxes and bulky furniture cluttering rooms and hallways until it can be assembled doesn't help either. A storage unit can be used to keep items until they are ready to be moved in, so that everything remains organized.

2. A Lack of Storage Space in the Home

People who live in houses often use their basements and attics for storage, but this isn't an option for those who live in an apartment, mobile home or anywhere else that may not have these convenient spaces. People who don't have a reliable storage space often rent storage units to cut down on the clutter in their own homes. This is an especially effective solution for those who are residing in smaller living spaces temporarily; once they move into a larger home, they simply retrieve what they had kept in storage.

3. Storing Seasonal Clothing

Just about everyone has clothing that can only be worn during certain times of the year. Nobody wants to wear a sweater on a hot summer day, and they probably won't have much use for a bathing suit in the winter. These clothes often take up space for months when they go unused, and many people like to put them in temporary storage. This is a popular solution for those who live in smaller homes and don't have the extra closet space.

Naturally, there are many reasons that people need self-storage in Richmond, VA, but these are just a few of the more common ones. Keep in mind that it is very easy for temporary storage to become permanent, so it's smart to keep a close record of everything that is locked up in these units.



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